Mothers' Rights

Mothers' Rights in Arizona Divorce

In some cases, the biggest obstacle to mothers' rights is where the father has been the primary breadwinner of a family.

Traditionally, mothers have had the superior position in cases involving child custody (or "legal decision-making"). However, that has changed considerably in the last several years. For mothers involved in custody, spousal maintenance (alimony), parenting time and paternity cases, the legal system can sometimes seem unjust.

Often, the biggest obstacle to mothers' rights is where the father has been the primary breadwinner of a family. In this scenario, it is not uncommon for the financially superior parent to try to use that factor as an advantage in court and entitle himself to more than what is fair. In these situations, mothers who have seen to most or all of the homemaking duties and/or children's daily needs become bullied or "economically crushed" by the father if they are not aware of their rights under the law.

It is important to have an attorney who will work to maintain a level playing field. When a mother is in a financially inferior position, it is important to establish and preserve her rights as quickly as possible. Bruce Brown understands that these issues can be difficult and emotional and that a party's rights should not be denied just because the opposing party has more money at their disposal.

Negotiation and compromise are usually in everyone's best interests. We emphasize cooperation and encourage parties to settle their differences on their own, before we take their case to a courtroom. Settlements are typically more respectful, less traumatic and more conducive to all parties' best interests, especially the children.

Unfortunately, settlement is not always possible. When necessary, our firm will fight for the best interests of you and the children. If you and the father cannot come to an amicable resolution, we have the courtroom experience to protect your rights.

Do not let your rights be taken away in important cases of custody, visitation, support and property. Let our firm protect you and your rights and preserve your children's best interests.

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